Afterwards, I split the kids into two groups, and led them in an an activity where they made their own mouse, and then drew a picture of what they like to play. Rather than letting them look at my picture or the book as an example, I showed them it one time, and then had them "build" the mouse the way they thought it should look.
Me- "What does Miss. Allie like to play?" Holds up picture of the mouse I made.
Student- "Banana!"
Although I supervised the activity, I didn't give them much guidance in putting the pieces together, because I wanted them to use their imaginations and create it the way they thought it should look. The results…..
a group of very interesting and hilariously adorable mice.
When I was working with the boys group, they kept talking about a potato, which makes me wonder if they realized they were making mice, or if this was a new project on what potatoes like to play…..