Thursday, October 3, 2013

Coconut Trees in October

One of my favorite books when I was a little kid was "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom," which is a silly story about the entire alphabet trying to fit in a coconut tree. The alphabet becomes too heavy for the tree and all the letters end up falling down and getting injured.

My partner and I are currently working on teaching Aurora the alphabet and the sounds each letter makes. I asked my boss to order the book, as I knew it would be a great teaching tool to have in the classroom, since it introduces children to both capital and lower case letters in a fun way.  We've read it about fifty plus times now, but the kids still chant along with the chorus, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom," clapping their hands and stomping their feet.

To go along with the story, the Aurora class constructed their own coconut tree with the alphabet underneath it. Each child made their own pair of letters, and all helped in painting the tree.

The "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom" mural will be used to play different games using the alphabet, as well as work as a constant visual of the English alphabet.

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