Saturday, February 15, 2014

Happy I Love You Day!

February 14th was Valentine's Day, an American holiday which dedicates the day to celebrating the people you love. This holiday isn't just for romantic partners, although it's often marketed at this audience. As a child, my parents always gave me small gifts on Valentine's Day, to remind me that they loved me just as much as they loved one another. At school, every child would bring a box full of Valentines for their classmates and teachers. We would have Valentine's Day parties and everyone would go home with a shoe box full of cards, candies and small gifts.

I wanted to share this holiday with Aurora, so this Valentine's Day I made them each little cards that came with a candy bar. I wanted to share this day with them because I love the kids in my class and I love working with them.

We also spent the day making Valentines cards for the people they love. I explained the holiday as, "I Love You Day," to simplify it for them, rather than trying to explain the real meaning behind the holiday and the history that this day celebrates.

I told everyone in Aurora that, "to love someone is to like them a lot a lot a lot; A very big like is love." Then I let each child tell me who they love and gave them a chance to share something nice you can do for those people.

We spent the rest of the morning making I Love You Day cards that they took home to their families.

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