Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Each morning this month I have asked the children to sit in a half circle, a watermelon we call it, where they are all facing a calendar on the wall.

I circled my last day of work, and each day I show them what the current date is, and ask them a few questions...

Who wants to feel happy today?

How can you have a happy day?

What are you going to do to help friends in Shooting Star have a happy day?

And everyday since we have started this, has been a good day.

The kids have been so sweet and kind to me as well as to one another, and in the past two weeks, I've seen a really big change in the way they listen and act throughout the day.

Today when we sat down for afternoon circle time I decided that today we would switch it up a bit.

Normally the kids all participate in an activity called, "I love you because..." where they have to pick a friend and explain why they like them.

Today I decided to call each child up individually and tell them a specific reason why I love them.

When I was finished I told them thank you for making me feel so happy today, and that I was so proud to be their teacher. That spending my time with them makes me feel happy all day.

I am going to miss them so much.
It's impossible to explain what this group of kids means to me.

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